interior room decorated with round mirror

Interior Decoration: Life of a Space

Interior decoration refers to the process of enhancing the aesthetic and functional appeal of space through various design elements such as color, lighting, furniture, textiles, accessories, and more. The goal is to create a space that reflects the personality and lifestyle of the occupants and meets their functional needs. The “life” of a space can be rejuvenated and transformed through careful planning, selection of materials, and effective use of space. At Kenford Interiors, we take care of every decoration design and create a dreamlike space for you.

Benefits of interior decoration

Interior decoration has the ability to make or break the overall hospitality, warmth, and vibe of a room. Moreover, we aim at catering to your expectations and transforming your dreams into a splendid reality.

  1. Enhances Aesthetics: Interior decoration is all about creating a visually appealing and aesthetically pleasing space. It involves selecting the right colors, patterns, furniture, lighting, and accessories to create a cohesive and harmonious look. Even when we look at living room or gallery interior decor, we make sure it matches the aesthetic and palate of your space.
  2. Creates a Mood: Interiors can be designed to evoke a specific mood or feeling, whether it be a warm and cozy atmosphere or a modern and contemporary vibe. This can be achieved through the use of color, texture, and lighting. Even with the most simple house interior design, we create a wondrous space that sets a fantastic mood.
  3. Increases Functionality: Interior decoration not only improves the appearance of a space but also increases its functionality. A well-designed room will be organized, and efficient, and allow for maximum use of space.
  4. Increases Comfort: A beautifully decorated interior creates a sense of comfort and relaxation. A well-designed space will be inviting, cozy, and welcoming, allowing you to feel at home.
  5. Adds Value: Investing in interior decoration can also increase the value of your home. A well-designed and decorated home is more appealing to potential buyers and can even increase its market value.
  6. Reflects Personality: A decorated interior is a reflection of your personality and style. It showcases your personal preferences, values, and taste. With simple living room designs, bedroom décor, and more, we create a space that speaks about your personality and choice elegantly.
  7. Boosts Productivity: A well-designed interior can also have a positive impact on productivity. Studies have shown that a well-decorated workspace can improve creativity, motivation, and overall work performance.

Our Interior Decoration Services

At Kenford Interiors, we adopt a dedicated approach and undergo a detailed procedure to deliver promising home interior design and become one of the best interior design companies in the Dubai district. Moreover, it is easy to connect with us and avail of our services.

  1. Consultation: We meet with the client to understand their needs and preferences, and discuss the scope of the project.
  2. Design Development: Based on the consultation, we develop a preliminary design concept and present it to the client for approval.
  3. Budgeting and Scheduling: We work with the client to establish a budget and timeline for the project. We aim at sticking to the budget while creating a phenomenal workspace, home, and bedroom interior design.
  4. Space Planning and Measurement: We take precise measurements of the space to be decorated and create detailed floor plans, elevations, and renderings.
  5. Selection of Finishes and Furnishings: We work with the client to select finishes, fixtures, and furnishings that fit within the budget and reflect their style and preferences.
  6. Installation: We manage the installation of all elements of the interior design, from flooring and wall treatments to lighting and accessories.
  7. Project Management: Throughout the project, we regularly communicate with the client to ensure that the project is on track and the client is satisfied with the results.
  8. Final Touch-Ups: Upon completion, we conduct a final walk-through with the client to ensure that all aspects of the interior design are functioning as intended and that the client is completely satisfied with the results.

We are a team of prolific interior designers who work together to make your homes, offices, and other spaces a place to rejoice. It speaks of your personality and teams your expectations with our skills to bring out a room that will be a brilliant layout that drives admiration.